Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Seeing Clearly: Celebrating Values (2 Corinthians 5: 11- 6:4a) ------------------------------------------- Our personal values (even if we are not sure what they are) direct what we do. We also have corporate values. We need to believe and trust God, and because relationships can be difficult when our values are not aligned, we need to grow into our corporate values. Our church is full of people who are in the process of changing and becoming more like Jesus. It is about the heart. Let’s let our love of Jesus propel us to do things outside of our comfort zone. Christ died for all. God did the greatest thing imaginable and more than half the world doesn’t know about it, and He chooses US to tell them about it. We each have roles and parts to play. A look at some of our core values: ------------------------------------------------ TRANSFORMATION is to awaken people by boldly sharing God’s love (Acts 1:8). We are ambassadors for Christ, and we do this by the power that He gives to us. CHARACTER is becoming the people that God designed us to be (Eph 4:13). Christ is our measure., INTERDEPENDENCE is strengthening one another through God’s empowerment (John 5:5). We are in this together and are servants of God. Application points: -- Pray and discipline yourself to see people with spiritual eyes, not just physical qualities -- Live compelled by Christ’s love. Live righteously, and speak the gospel when you can. -- Hang around to learn and engage in the ministries of Celebration.

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